British > American Glossary | A
Smoothing and improving transatlantic communication
Index of Briticisms |
P Q R S T U V W X Y Z | Americanisms |
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A & E (Accident and Emergency) | emergency room |
able seaman (Royal Navy) | seaman (U.S. Navy) |
ablutions, the [army slang] | building housing toilets and washing facilities |
(cling on to and slide down a rope to rapidly descend a steep slope or cliff) |
rappel |
accelerator | gas pedal, accelerator |
(the profession); accounting (the activity) |
accounting (both the profession and activity) |
acting sub-lieutenant (Royal Navy) | ensign > chief warrant officer (U.S. Navy) |
Action Man™ (military-themed doll) | G.I. Joe™ (U.S. equivalent) |
action replay | instant replay |
adjustable spanner | monkey wrench |
Admiral of the Fleet (Royal Navy) | Fleet Admiral (U.S. Navy) |
Admiralty | Department of the Navy |
adopt (nominate someone for political office) | slate |
aerial | antenna |
aerofoil | airfoil |
aeroplane | airplane |
afters [colloq.] (final course of a meal) | dessert |
aggro [colloq.] | threatening behavior; trouble, difficulty |
agricultural show | the equivalent of a U.S. state or county fair |
air chief marshal (Royal Air Force) | general (U.S. Air Force) |
air commodore (Royal Air Force) | brigadier general (U.S. Air Force) |
air conditioning (especially in a car) | climate control system |
air marshal (Royal Air Force) | lieutenant general (U.S. Air Force) |
air vice marshal (Royal Air Force) | major general (U.S. Air Force) |
aircraftman (Royal Air Force) | airman basic (U.S. Air Force) |
airscrew | (aircraft) propeller |
airy-fairy [colloq.] | impractical, not based on reality |
alcohol (distilled type, spirits) | liquor |
all-in | all-inclusive |
all the go [colloq.] (the hottest fashion) | all the rage |
Allen™ key | Allen™ wrench |
allotment | small plot of land let for growing vegetables, etc. |
Alsatian (dog) | German shepherd (dog) |
aluminium | aluminum |
American football | football |
American War of Independence (1775-1783) | American Revolutionary War |
anaesthetist | anesthesiologist, anesthetist |
ancillary | subsidiary, subordinate, in a supporting role |
Anglepoise™ lamp | swing-arm lamp, architect's lamp |
annexe | dependency, annex |
annual general meeting (AGM) | annual meeting |
anorak | windbreaker, parka |
another string to one's bow | another skill to fall back on |
answerphone | answering machine |
antenatal | prenatal |
anticlockwise | counterclockwise |
argie-bargie, argy-bargy [colloq.] | loud but not usually serious argument or dispute |
Artex™ | type of textured coating for ceilings |
articulated lorry (juggernaut) | semi [colloq.], semi-trailer, tractor-trailer |
arty (pretentiously artistic or worshipping of the arts) | artsy |
ASBO [acronym] (antisocial behavior order) | Court order prohibiting someone from going somewhere or visiting someone. Violators face fine or even imprisonment. |
assistant (in office or store) | clerk |
asymmetric bars (in women's gymnastics) | uneven bars |
at a loose end | having nothing to do, bored |
at His (or Her) Majesty's pleasure | describes a prison sentence of undetermined length |
at sixes and sevens [colloq.] | in a state of total confusion or disarray |
at the back, at the back of (behind) | in back, in back of |
at the weekend, at New Year | on the weekend, on New Year's |
athletics | track and field |
aubergine | eggplant |
au pair, au pair girl | foreign female, usually in late teens, who lives in with and assists a family with domestic chores or child care in order to learn the local language |
autumn | fall |
away fixture | sports event not held on home ground |
away with the fairies [colloq.] | in a daydream; out of touch with reality |