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Index of Briticisms
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AmericanBritish term or expression BritishAmerican equivalent, or explanation
pack of cards deck of cards
packed lunch sack lunch
packet (of cereal, peanuts, cigarettes, etc.) pack
packet of crisps bag of potato chips
paddle wade barefoot in shallow water
paddling pool wading pool
paddy [colloq.] fit of rage or bad temper
Paddy [colloq.]  Irishman
Page Three Girl model featured on page 3 of U.K. tabloid The Sun
panda car police patrol car
pantechnicon  moving truck, moving van
panther cougar, puma
pantomime, panto [colloq.] fairy-tale-based musical comedy for the whole family staged at theaters across the U.K. in the Christmas and New Year holidays
pants underpants, shorts, jockey shorts, briefs
paper handkerchief Kleenex™
paper round paper route
paracetamol (common analgesic) acetaminophen
paraffin kerosene
parcel package
parish area and residents served by a Church of England church and its priest;
in England, the smallest unit of local government
parky [colloq] chilly
parting (in hair) part
passenger liner, liner ocean liner
pastry case pie crust
pasty individual pie with meat or savory filling
patience (card game for one) solitaire
patterned (clothing material) print
pavement sidewalk
pawpaw, papaw papaya
pay packet pay envelope
pay rise pay raise, raise
paying-in slip deposit slip
pease pudding peas, onions and carrots boiled and mashed
peckish [colloq.] feeling hungry
pedestrian crossing, zebra crossing crosswalk
pedestrian precinct vehicle-free zone in town or city
pedlar peddler
pee down [slang] rain heavily
peeler [archaic slang] police officer
peg out [slang]  (die) check out, conk out, kick in, kick off, pop off  [slang]
pelican crossing pedestrian light controlled crosswalk
pelmet valance
pen torch penlight
penknife pocketknife
people carrier minivan, passenger van
pepper (vegetable) bell pepper, sweet pepper
peppercorn rent small, token amount paid in rent
perish (of fresh food items) decay, deteriorate, rot
perished [colloq.] (as in 'I'm perished!') suffering from cold
perishing [colloq.] (as in 'It's perishing in here!') freezing cold
pernickety (overly fussy or fastidious) persnickety
personal ad personal
personal call (operator-connected private call) person-to-person
personal stereo a Walkman™
Perspex™ (tough clear plastic substitute for glass) Plexiglas™
petrol gasoline, gas [colloq.]
petrol guage gas guage
petrol pump gas pump
petrol station gas station
petrol tanker fuel truck
petty officer (Royal Navy) petty officer 1st class or 2nd class (U.S. Navy)
phone box phone booth
photocopier, photocopy machine Xerox™ machine
photocopy (n.) (v.) xerox
physiotherapy physical therapy
pickle [colloq.] a mischievous young child
pictures, the [colloq.] movies, the
pigsty pigpen
pilchard fish similar to sardine but slightly larger
pillar box red, round, pillar-shaped mailbox for outgoing mail
pillock [slang] (foolish or stupid person) jackass
pilot officer (Royal Air Force) second lieutenant > chief warrant officer
(U.S. Air Force)
pinafore, pinny [colloq.] large apron or sleeveless smock for adult female
pinafore dress jumper dress
pincer (on lobster or crab) claw
pinch [colloq.] (steal or take without permission) glom [colloq.]  
pint (1 imperial pint = 0.565 litres) pint (1 U.S. pint = 0.473 liters)
pip (fruit seed) smaller size pit  (compare British English stone)
piped music (also referred to as 'muzak') elevator music
pips, the [colloq.] time signal on the radio on the hour
piss artist [slang] drunkard; person who fools around
piss down [slang] rain heavily
Piss off! [slang] (Go away!) Get lost! Beat it! [slang]
pissed [slang] (drunk) blasted, blotto, canned, sloshed, smashed, stoned
[all slang]
pissed off [slang] (annoyed or depressed) pissed [slang]  
pisshead [slang] drunkard
pitch playing field for soccer, rugby or cricket
plain chocolate dark chocolate
plain flour all-purpose flour
plain pattern (on textiles and clothing) solid pattern
plait braid
plaster, sticking plaster Band-Aid™
plaster cast cast
platform 1 (of railway station) track 1 (at railroad station)
play truant play hooky (or hookey) [colloq.]
playground schoolyard
plimsolls   sneakers, deck shoes
plonk [colloq.] cheap or low-quality wine
plonker [colloq.] foolish or stupid person
plot (piece of land) lot
plough   plow
Plough, the (group of seven stars in northern sky) Big Dipper, the
plug [colloq. for 'plug socket'] electrical outlet
plug (in washbasin, kitchen sink or bath) stopper (in sink or bathtub)
plus fours baggy knickerbockers
pneumatic drill jackhammer
pocket money (paid by parent to child) weekly allowance
points (pl.) (mechanism for changing rail tracks) switches
pointsman switchman
polo neck, polo-necked jumper turtleneck sweater
Polyfilla ™ spackle compound
ponce [slang] pimp;
effeminate man
pong [colloq.] unpleasant smell or stink
pony trekking horseback riding
poo [colloq.] (faeces) doo-doo [colloq.]
poof, poofter [slang] (gay man, disparaging) fag, faggot [slang]
pop in, pop into [colloq.] (pay a quick casual visit) drop in, drop in at
pop music (especially more tuneful popular music) pop rock;
rock ('rock' covers a broad spectrum in U.S.)
pop one's clogs [colloq.] (die) check out, conk out, bite the dust [all colloq.]
pop shop [colloq.] pawnbroker
POP-size (envelope) 'Post Office Preferred' size
popper (press stud) snap
poppet [colloq.] (said to young, dainty girl) honey, hon'  
porch   shelter over entrance of building
porkie (from rhyming slang 'pork pie' for 'lie')
            (as in: 'Joe told a whopping big porkie!')
lie or falsehood
porridge oatmeal
porridge [slang] imprisonment
porter (at hotel) bellhop, bellboy, bellman
posh fancy [colloq.], stylish, classy, smartly dressed
positive discrimination reverse discrimination
post  mail
postal assistant postal clerk
postal ballot absentee ballot
postal code, postcode zip code
postal order money order
postal vote absentee ballot
postbag mailbag
postbox, pillar box public mailbox
poste restante general delivery
postgraduate college or university graduate
postgraduate school graduate school
postman mailman, mail carrier
pot (of yoghurt, cream, etc.) tub 
pot noodles cup noodles
pot plant houseplant
potato chips fries, french fries
potato crisps chips, potato chips
pots of something [colloq.]  loads of something [colloq.]
potty [colloq.] nutty, crazy
power cut power outage
power point outlet, electrical outlet, wall outlet
pram (abbreviation of outdated 'perambulator') baby carriage, baby buggy, stroller
prang [slang] (minor vehicle collision) fender bender [slang]
prat [slang] (inept, foolish or annoying person) jerk, goofball, dork [all disparaging slang]
prawn shrimp
precinct traffic-free shopping area or indoor shopping mall
preference share (investment) preferred stock
preggers [slang] (pregnant) in the family way [colloq.]
Premium (Savings) Bond government lottery bond that enters the holder for a monthly cash prize draw but yields no interest
prep school private elementary school preparing kids for private high school (compare British public school)
presently soon, in a while
press stud (clothes fastener) snap
press-up (type of physical exercise) push-up
primary school elementary school
prise open (lever open) prize or pry open
Comment: In early 19th century America, the verb 'pry' resulted from British English 'prise' being misconstrued as a 3rd person singular form 'pries'.
prison, gaol [old-fashioned] jail, jailhouse, penitentiary
product range (goods produced by one company) product line
professor in U.K., university academic of highest rank only
profit (in accounting) income
profit and loss account (in accounting) income statement
promenade (path next to sea at seaside resort) seafront
promenade concert, prom concert at which part of a concert hall has been cleared of seats to allow in more people standing
propelling pencil mechanical pencil
property (land or buildings) real estate
pseud socially pretentious person or fake intellectual
public bar bar in a public house simply furnished and slightly less expensive than the adjoining saloon bar
public convenience [euph.] public lavatory, public restroom
public house (i.e. a 'pub') tavern; inn
public school    private, fee-paying school (the term 'independent school' is now preferred by the schools themselves and their representative bodies, while 'public school' is still common in everyday conversation)
public transport public transportation
pudding in Britain a hot or cold dessert of any kind
pull [colloq.] (as in 'he pulled a bird at a nightclub') succeed in finding a female sex partner
pull round (recover from illness) pull through
Pull the other one! [colloq.] You're kidding!
punchbag punching bag
puncture (in tyre) flat, blowout (in tire)
punnet of strawberries basket of strawberries
punter gambler, especially one who bets on horses or against a bookmaker
pupil,  schoolchild, student
purse in Britain, a small pocketbook or coin pouch
push the boat out [colloq.] spend lavishly to celebrate something
pushchair (small pram) stroller, baby buggy
put the boot in [colloq.] kick brutally;
act firmly against someone
pyjamas pajamas
pylon (metal tower supporting high-voltage cables) transmission tower, high tension tower