EFL teacher David Appleyard
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British > American Glossary | Q

Smoothing and improving transatlantic communication
Index of Briticisms
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AmericanBritish term or expression BritishAmerican equivalent, or explanation
quantity surveyor one who estimates the cost of labor and materials for future building or construction work
quarter past (on the clock) a quarter after
quaver (in music) eighth note
queer somebody's pitch [colloq.] spoil another person's opportunity to do something
queue (of waiting people) line
queue (v.) stand in line, wait in line
queue up (v.) line up
quid (U) [colloq.] (compare US buck) pound £
quiff (hairstyle) pompadour
quim [slang] rude term for vulva or vagina
quite (adv.) (as in 'He's quite mad!') completely, utterly
quits double or nothing
quote shares (on stock market) list shares