DavidAppleyard.com Privacy Statement

Protection of Information

DavidAppleyard.com values the trust placed in it by its readers. Accordingly, DavidAppleyard.com adheres to the highest ethical standards in gathering, using and safeguarding any site visitor information that is entrusted to it.

Use and Collection of Site Visitor Information

  • DavidAppleyard.com does not store, rent, sell or exchange information about any of its Web site visitors. Through its online feedback option, DavidAppleyard.com gathers only the bare minimum of information needed to respond to and contextualize voluntary visitor enquiries.
  • DavidAppleyard.com maintains no databases or e-mail mailing lists and deletes all reader enquiries immediately after processing in a timely manner.
  • Access to personally identifiable information about DavidAppleyard.com site visitors is denied to third parties.

Personally Identifiable Information

DavidAppleyard.com undertakes not to collect personally identifiable information (such as name, address, telephone number, or e-mail address) from its Web site visitors unless such visitors voluntarily provide such information to DavidAppleyard.com. DavidAppleyard.com site visitors who do not want their personally identifiable information collected online are asked not to submit such information to DavidAppleyard.com.

DavidAppleyard.com site visitors are informed that when they do provide DavidAppleyard.com with personally identifiable information online, that information is kept strictly within DavidAppleyard.com. Visitors are further informed that, unless specifically stated otherwise, the personally identifiable information will not be stored or used by DavidAppleyard.com for purposes other than to respond to and contextualize accompanying reader comments or enquiries.

Non-Personally Identifiable Information Collected Automatically

DavidAppleyard.com may collect information from its Web site visitors that is not personally identifiable, including the visitor's operating system, browser, domain name, and the specific pages on DavidAppleyard.com that are accessed or visited. DavidAppleyard.com only collects this information in the aggregate, and only uses it to improve the DavidAppleyard.com Web site.

DavidAppleyard.com also uses third-party advertising companies to serve ads when you visit its website. These companies may use information (not including your name, address, email address, or telephone number) about your visits to this and other websites in order to provide advertisements about goods and services of interest to you. If you would like more information about this practice, and to know your choices about not having this information used by these companies, click here.

Information Placed Automatically on Visitors' Computers

DavidAppleyard.com informs its visitors that when they visit the DavidAppleyard.com Web site, DavidAppleyard.com may store some information on the visitor's computer in the form of a "cookie" or similar file. These files allow DavidAppleyard.com to tailor the website to reflect a visitor’s listed or historical preferences. Most Web browsers allow Web users to exercise control over such files on their computers by erasing them, blocking them, or notifying the user when such a file is stored. DavidAppleyard.com Web site visitors are asked to refer to their browser's instructions to learn about those functions.

Links to Third-Party Sites

DavidAppleyard.com contains numerous links to third-party sites. These linked sites are not under the control of DavidAppleyard.com. While DavidAppleyard.com makes every effort only to link to reputable sites with a proven track record, it bears no responsibility for—and hereby expressly disclaims any liability for—the contents or privacy policies of any linked site herein.

Contacting the Website

If you have any questions about this privacy statement, the practices of this site, or your dealings with this Web site, please write to privacyat-markdavidappleyard.com.

(For all other enquiries, go to our regular contact form.)