British > American Glossary | D
Smoothing and improving transatlantic communication
Index of Briticisms |
P Q R S T U V W X Y Z | Americanisms |
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dab hand [colloq.] (person very good at something) | ace |
daddy longlegs [colloq.] | crane fly |
daft | foolish, crazy |
dame | lady who has been knighted |
damn all | nothing at all |
damp squib, a | something unimpressive or underwhelming |
danger money | hazard pay, hazardous duty pay |
Darby and Joan | your average, happily married elderly couple |
Darby and Joan's club | social club for the elderly |
Dash it (all)! | Damn it (all)! |
Davenport | type of ornamental writing-desk |
dawn chorus, the | many birds singing just before the sun comes up |
day return (train or bus ticket) | heavily discounted round-trip ticket valid one day only, often with restrictions on rush-hour usage |
a dead cert [colloq.] | a sure thing, sure-fire |
dead on (as in 'dead on 6 o'clock') | exactly, precisely |
debtors (in accounting) | accounts receivable, receivables |
decider (in game or sport) | final game to let one team or individual claim victory |
dekko [slang] (as in 'let's have a dekko at it') | look, peep, glance |
demerara | kind of rough, light-brown cane sugar |
demister (on car windscreen or rear window) | defogger, defroster |
demon drink, the [humorous] | demon alcohol, the |
dental nurse | dental assistant |
dental surgery | dentist's office |
depot | bus or truck parking; storehouse for goods |
DERV (acronym for 'diesel-engined road vehicle') | category of diesel fuel for on-road use taxed at a higher rate than diesel fuel for other purposes |
des res [colloq.] | desirable residence, plush pad [colloq.] |
dessert trolley | dessert cart |
detached house | one-family house |
dialling code | area code |
dialling tone | dial tone |
diamanté (brightly shining artificial jewel) | rhinestone |
diary (for planning purposes) | appointment book, datebook, calendar |
dibs [slang] | money, dough [slang] |
dice (both singular and plural) | die (plural 'dice' or 'dies') |
dick (see also clever dick) | stupid man |
different to, different from | different than, different from |
digs [colloq.] | temporary lodgings other than hotel |
dinky [colloq.] | small and charming or cute |
dinner jacket | tuxedo |
dinner service, dinner set | set of matching plates, dishes, bowls, cups and saucers for serving meals to a number of people |
dip (v.) | to lower a vehicle's headlight beam |
direct debit (banking) | automatic draft |
directory enquiries (telephone) | directory assistance |
dishy [colloq.] | sexually attractive, sexy-looking |
dispatch rider | messenger on motorcycle or bicycle |
district (in a town) | section |
diversion (on road) | detour |
do a bunk, do a runner [slang] | slip away in a hurry to avoid something unpleasant |
do porridge [slang] (go to prison) | serve time |
docker, dockworker | longshoreman |
doddle [colloq.] (as in 'It's a doddle!') | cinch, breeze, a piece of cake |
dodgem, dodgem car (at a fairground) | bumper car |
dodgy [colloq.] (as in 'dodgy practices') | dishonest, artful, cunning |
dog's breakfast [colloq.] | total mess or something very badly done |
[colloq.] (person given all the boring or unpleasant tasks) |
drudge, gofer [colloq.] |
dole, the (as in 'he's on the dole') | welfare payments to the unemployed |
do the washing up | do the dishes, wash the dishes |
doctor's surgery | doctor's office |
dog end [slang] | smoked cigarette end or butt |
donkey's years | ages; many, many years |
doolally [colloq.] (out of one's mind) | bananas [colloq.] |
dormitory | multiple-bed room at boarding school |
dormitory town | bedroom community |
dosh [slang] | jack [slang], money |
doss (v.) [slang] | sleep rough or in cheap lodgings |
dosser [slang] | hobo, or one who sleeps rough |
dosshouse [slang] (extremely cheap lodging house) | flophouse [slang] |
dotty [colloq.] | feebleminded, absurd, eccentric |
double cream | heavy cream |
double Dutch | incomprehensible speech or writing |
double yellow lines | UK roadside marking for no waiting and no parking |
double-glazed windows, double glazing | double-pane windows |
doughnut | donut |
downmarket | common and cheap |
draining board (dish-drying surface next to sink) | drainboard |
drainpipe | downspout |
drapery, draper's (shop) | dry goods store |
draught excluder | weather strip, weather stripping |
draughts (board game) | checkers |
drawing pin | thumbtack |
drawing room [formal] (originally 'withdrawing room') | living room |
dress circle (in theatre) | first balcony, mezzanine |
dresser | tall piece of (usually kitchen) furniture with drawers or closets in bottom half and shelves on top |
dressing gown | robe, bathrobe |
dressing table (chest of drawers with mirror on top) | dresser |
drink-driver | drunk driver, drunken driver |
drink-driving | drunk driving, drunken driving |
drinks cupboard | liquor cabinet |
drinks party | cocktail party |
drip [medical] (as in 'he was put on a drip') | drip feed |
drip-mat (placed under a glass) | coaster |
drive (n.) | driveway |
driving licence | driver's license |
driving test | driver's test |
dry up | dry washed dishes with a dish towel |
drop a clanger [slang] | make a mistake or blunder |
dual carriageway | divided highway |
duff [colloq.] | bad, inferior, no good |
duff up somebody [slang] | beat up, thrash |
dummy (baby's comforter) | pacifier |
dumper (type of lorry) | dump truck |
dungarees (jeans or tough denim trousers with
cloth covering for the chest and straps over the shoulders to hold them up) |
overalls |
dust sheet | drop cloth |
dustbin | trash can, trash barrel, garbage can, garbage barrel |
dustcart | garbage truck |
duster | dust cloth |
dustman | trashman, trash collector, garbage collector |
duvet (thick, soft quilt with detachable cover) | comforter |
dynamo | mechanical generator (e.g. on a bicycle) |