EFL teacher David Appleyard
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British > American Glossary | E

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Index of Briticisms
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AmericanBritish term or expression BritishAmerican equivalent, or explanation
early closing shop staying closed one afternoon a week
earth (n.) (v.) (electrical) ground
earth wire ground wire
economy class (on airliner)   coach class
eff (v.) [colloq.] swear using the f-word
eiderdown comforter (esp. feather-filled type)
elastic band rubber band
electric cooker electric stove
electric fire (type with glowing bars or elements) space heater
electric kettle electric teakettle
electricity pylon transmission tower, high tension tower
eleven, an soccer or cricket team
eleven-plus, the exam for 11-year-olds in some parts of England to determine which type of school they go on to
elevenses mid-morning coffee or tea taken around 11 o'clock
                     (Brits often leave lunch until 1:00 PM)
elk moose
embankment (by road or river) bank
en suite facilities fancy name for 'private bathroom' in UK hotel room
endive, curly endive chicory, chicory crown
engaged (of telephone line or toilet) busy, occupied  
engine driver (on a train) engineer
envisage envision
entrée appetizer or starter;
if the meal is a very formal one, an entrée is a dish served between the fish and meat courses  
equal opportunities (positive-discrimination scheme) affirmative action
estate, housing estate housing development, subdivision
estate, estate car station wagon
estate agent real estate agent, real estate broker, Realtor™
evening classes (after-work adult education) night school
evens (something equally likely to happen as not) fifty-fifty
excavator, mechanical digger backhoe
excess (amount specified in an insurance policy
             that the insured party will have to cover in
             the event of a claim)
exclamation mark (punctuation) exclamation point
ex-directory (phone number) unlisted
exercise book notebook
exhaust pipe tailpipe
exhibit specific object on display
exhibition (collection of objects on display) exhibit
expiry date expiration date
ex-serviceman, ex-servicewoman veteran, war veteran