British > American Glossary | H
Smoothing and improving transatlantic communication
Index of Briticisms |
P Q R S T U V W X Y Z | Americanisms |
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haberdasher | sewing accessory shop |
haberdashery | notions |
hack (n.) | kick on shin in violation of soccer rules (i.e. a foul) |
hackney cab [formal] | taxi, cab |
hair lacquer | hair spray |
hairdressing salon | beauty parlor, beauty salon, beauty shop |
hairclip, hairgrip (flat hairpin, ends close together) | bobby pin |
hairslide | barrette |
board (hotel room price includes breakfast and either lunch or dinner) |
modified American plan |
half-cut [colloq.] | drunk |
half-mast, at (of flag) | half-staff, at |
half moon | first quarter, last quarter |
half-term (holiday) | a mid-semester school break in the U.K. |
hall (area between front door & downstairs rooms) | foyer |
hall of residence (on university or college campus) | dorm [colloq.], dormitory |
ham-fisted (awkward, clumsy) | ham-handed |
hamper | basket of food for a picnic, Christmas, etc. |
handbag | purse, pocketbook |
handbrake (on vehicle) | emergency brake, parking brake |
Hard cheese! [colloq.] | Tough luck! [colloq.] |
hard core (construction material) | broken-up stones or bricks used as road foundation |
hard shoulder (on motorway) | shoulder (on freeway) |
harvestman (arachnid a.k.a. 'the harvest spider') | daddy longlegs [colloq.] |
sign, hash mark; hash key ( # ) |
sign, number sign; pound key ( # ) |
hatstand | hat rack |
haulier (lorry driver; haulage company) | hauler (trucker; trucking company) |
have a bash, crack or whack at something [colloq.] | have a go at something |
have a bath, have a shower | take a bath, take a shower |
have a bun in the oven [colloq.] | be in the family way [colloq.], be expecting (a baby) |
have a go at someone [colloq.] | either scold or physically attack someone |
have a Jimmy Riddle (rhyming slang for 'piddle') | take a pee [colloq.], |
have a slash [men's slang] (pass urine) | take a pee [colloq.], |
have another (or one more) string to one's bow | have another skill to fall back on |
have got (as in 'Have you got a piano?') | have (as in 'Do you have a piano?') |
have it away, have it off [slang] | have sex |
haver (take long time to decide something) | hem and haw |
head porter (hotel) | bell captain |
headlamp, headlight | headlight |
headmaster, headmistress, headteacher, head | principal |
helter-skelter (n.) | amusement park slide spiraling down around a tower |
hen party, hen night | bachelorette party |
Here you are! (said when handing over something) | There you go! |
hi-fi, hi-fi system | sound system |
high street (principal shopping street in any town) | main street, main drag [colloq.] |
high tea | early supper in late afternoon with tea to drink |
geared (of company with high
borrowing in relation to its share capital) |
leveraged |
Highway Code, the | official guide to rules of the road in the U.K. |
hipsters (trousers not reaching waist height) | hip-huggers |
hire car | rental car |
hire purchase (HP) | installment plan purchase |
hoarding | billboard |
hob | top part of stove with hotplates or burners |
hockey | field hockey |
(long cloth or leather travel bag with two tough handles) |
carryall |
hole in the wall [colloq.] (cash dispenser) | ATM (automated teller machine) |
holiday (leave of absence) | vacation |
holidaymaker | vacationer |
homely (familiar, simple and comfortable, like home) | homey |
hooker (in rugby) | front-row player in scrum trying to hook ball |
hooter | vehicle horn;
colloquial for 'nose' |
Hoover™ (n.) | vacuum cleaner, vacuum sweeper |
hoover (v.) | vacuum |
horsebox | horse trailer |
horse riding | horseback riding |
horses for courses [colloq.] | different people have different skills |
hosepipe | hose, garden hose |
hot flush (sensation felt by menopausal women) | hot flash |
hotel reception | front desk |
hotplate (on electric cooker) | round flat metal plate for heating or cooking food |
hotpot | casserole, usually with layer of potato on top |
household goods | housewares |
house officer (UK doctor working at hospital in first year after earning medical degree) |
intern; resident (qualified doctor training as specialist) |
housemate (also flatmate) | roommate |
housewife | homemaker |
housing estate | housing development, subdivision |
hum and haw (take a long time deciding something) | hem and haw |
human resources director (top executive) | vice president (VP) human resources |
hundreds and thousands (cake/ice cream topping) | sprinkles |