EFL teacher David Appleyard
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British > American Glossary | K

Smoothing and improving transatlantic communication
Index of Briticisms
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AmericanBritish term or expression BritishAmerican equivalent, or explanation
kedgeree breakfast dish made of fish, rice and eggs
keep your pecker up keep smiling and cheerful
kennel (wooden shelter for dog to sleep in outside) doghouse
kennels (place dog is left during owner's absence) kennel
kerb curb
kerfuffle  [colloq.] (unnecessary fuss or disturbance) palaver
kettle teakettle
kick the bucket [slang] (pass away) kick in, kick off, check out, conk out, pop off [slang]
kick-off [colloq.] (as in: 'For a kick-off, let's eat!') start
killick [nautical slang] leading seaman
kindergarten, nursery school (children aged 2–5) preschool
kip [colloq.] (sleep) sack time [colloq.]
kipper breakfast herring first treated with salt, then smoked
kirby grip (Kirbigrip™) a kind of sprung hairgrip
kissagram, kissogram   novelty greetings message delivered with a kiss
kit gear or clothing for sporting activities, etc;
electronic equipment or gadgetry
kitchen bench kitchen counter
kitchen range old-style solid-fuel stove kept hot all day long
knackered [slang] exhausted, worn out
knees-up [colloq.] a lively party
knickerbockers knickers
knickers, women's underpants panties
knob [slang] (penis) pecker [slang]
knock back [colloq.] drink something especially quickly;
disconcert someone
knock off [colloq.] (as in 'he knocks off at six') end a work shift
knock-on effect indirect or secondary effect
knock someone off [slang] (make sexual conquest) get laid with someone [slang]
knock spots off defeat easily
knock up [colloq.] rack up an impressive score;
make or arrange something hastily;
wake someone up by knocking on their door;
practice a ball game before formal play begins
knockers [slang] (female breasts) hooters, jugs [both slang], boobs [colloq.]
knocking shop [slang] brothel
know your onions [colloq.] know your stuff, know what you're talking about
knuckleduster brass knuckles