EFL teacher David Appleyard
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British > American Glossary | J

Smoothing and improving transatlantic communication
Index of Briticisms
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AmericanBritish term or expression BritishAmerican equivalent, or explanation
J Cloth™ disposable household cleaning cloth
jab [colloq.] (injection) shot [colloq.]
jacket potato baked potato
jam jelly
jammy [slang] lucky
JCB™ (excavator, mechanical digger) backhoe
jelly (fruit-flavoured gelatin dessert) Jell-O™
jelly (or gelly) [slang] gelignite
jelly babies baby-shaped fruit candy similar to U.S. jelly beans
jemmy (short crowbar used by burglars) jimmy
jerry [slang] chamber pot
Jerry [colloq.] German (esp. in wartime context)
jersey (U.K.) knitted woolen pullover or sweater
Jersey light-brown dairy cow from Channel Island of Jersey
jewellery jewelry
Jimmy, Jimmy Riddle [rhyming slang for 'piddle']
                                   (act of urination)
pee [colloq.]
jobseeker's allowance (JSA) unemployment benefits, welfare (payments)
Jock [colloq.] (Scottish variant of 'Jack') Scotsman
Joe Bloggs [colloq.] (your average citizen) Joe Blow, John Doe [colloq.]
Joe Public, Jane Public (the common man/woman) John Q. Public, Jane Q. Public
johnny [slang] rubber [slang], condom
joiner carpenter doing lighter woodwork
joiner [colloq.] person always joining clubs, societies, etc.
joint (of cooked meat) roast
jolly (adv.) very, thoroughly
jolly (n.) [colloq.] party, get-together, celebration
jotter, jotting block, scribbling block scratch pad
journo [colloq.] journalist
jug pitcher
juggernaut (articulated lorry) semi [colloq.], semi-trailer, tractor-trailer
jumble sale rummage sale, charity bazaar
jump leads jumper cables
jump the queue cut in line
jumper sweater
junction intersection; highway interchange
junior student at a 'junior school' (see below)
junior school (for children aged 7 to 11) elementary school
junior seaman (Royal Navy) seaman recruit (U.S. Navy)
junior technician (Royal Air Force) rank between airman first class and
airman second class (U.S. Air Force)