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'Top News Links' is back for selected countries

Why settle for that one daily paper when you can choose from thousands online?

Gather your news in English from multiple sources

Newspaper readerOnce again we invite you to break out of the proverbial 'goldfish bowl' of local or national news in order to discover stories stealing the headlines in other parts of the world. Gain mind-broadening insights that help put those local happenings into clearer perspective.

As of January 2025, our easily navigable, lightweight news directory is being phased back in again after an absence of some 11 years. When taken down in 2014, Top News Links covered every part of the globe and even had its own dot-com address. So why was it withdrawn? Firstly, the major search engines were doing a much better job than they used to of linking to a broad range of online news resources, and secondly, we were devoting a disproportionate amount of time to keeping the site up to date.

A decade on, the long-term reliability of news links has been greatly enhanced as more and more media organizations have opted for logical and user-friendly domain names and then adhered to them. Another important trend has been media consolidation. Many local newspapers have either disappeared or been bought up by regional or national news publishing conglomerates or news networks. Many well-known domain names now forward to relatively few major news hubs acting as syndication partners.

After 11 long years many of the links in our original derectory were no longer useful, so we decided to start again from scratch. This time around, to make the project more sustainable, we are only including news sources with a proven track record and solid reputation, ones our users should be able to have confidence in.

Canada, Australia and New Zealand lead the way

To quickly get the new Top News Links up and running, we have chosen Canada, Australia and New Zealand, countries with smaller populations and correspondingly fewer news sites. The United States, by far the largest section, should be ready by the end of February or early March 2025, and the British Isles will be next in line after that. Exisitng pages will also be added to.

As before, our aim is to provide safe and reliable news connections that for various reasons are not always uppermost in search engine search results.

David V. Appleyard, editor

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