EFL teacher David Appleyard
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Smoothing and improving transatlantic communication
Index of Americanisms
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AmericanAmerican term or expression BritishBritish equivalent, or explanation
jackhammer pneumatic drill
jail, jailhouse gaol [old fashioned], prison
janitor caretaker
jawbreaker (very large round hard candy) gobstopper
Jell-O™ (a fruit-flavored gelatin dessert) jelly
jelly jam
jelly beans jelly-like fruit sweets similar to jelly babies in UK
jelly roll Swiss roll
jerk [disparaging] (contemptible man) bugger, prat, wanker, tosser, toe-rag [all slang]
jersey (US) knitted shirt, especially as part of uniform
jewelry jewellery
jimmy (short crowbar used by burglars) jemmy
jock [colloq.] (derived from 'jockstrap') athletic man (twell-built, rugged type);
person completed absorbed by one single pursuit
Joe Blow [colloq.] (your average citizen) Joe Bloggs [colloq.]
john, a [slang] prostitute's client
john, the [colloq.] (lavatory, toilet) loo [colloq.], bog, carsy [both slang]
John Doe [colloq.]  (your average citizen) Joe Bloggs [colloq.]
John Q. Public, Jane Q. Public
                              (the common man, woman)
Joe Public, Jane Public
jugs [slang] (female breasts) knockers, bristols [both slang], boobs [colloq.]
jump rope skipping rope
jumper kind of sleeveless dress, usually worn over skirt
jumper cables jump leads
jumper dress pinafore dress
junior (academic) 3rd-year student/undergraduate on 4-year course