EFL teacher David Appleyard
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Index of Americanisms
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AmericanAmerican term or expression BritishBritish equivalent, or explanation
face card (king, queen or jack in deck of cards) court card
faculty (personnel) university department staff
fag, faggot [disparaging slang] (homosexual man)   bender, poof, poofter, fairy, nancy, nancy boy
fall (the season) autumn
fall guy [slang] scapegoat
fanny (posterior) buttocks, bum [colloq.]
fanny pack bumbag
far-sighted long-sighted
fare collector conductor (on city bus, etc.)   
faucet tap
fava bean broad bean
fender (wheel cover) wing (on vehicle);
mudguard (on bicycle or motorcycle)  
fender bender [slang] (minor vehicle collision) prang [slang]
Ferris wheel big wheel
Fiddle-faddle! (That's nonsense!) Fiddlesticks!
field day (for students) sports day
field hockey hockey
figure reckon, guess 
figure on count on, expect
file cabinet filing cabinet
file for bankruptcy protection go into administration (and if an outside specialist 
administrator cannot save an insolvent UK company, it goes into receivership or liquidation)
fill a prescription (at a pharmacy) make up a prescription (at a chemist)
fill out a form fill in a form
fink [colloq.]  (police informer) grass [colloq.];
fire (v.) [colloq.] (dismiss an employee) sack, give someone the sack, give someone the boot, give someone their cards (i.e. the tax and insurance documents held by an employer for the duration of someone's employment)
fire cracker firework
fire department fire brigade, fire service
fire truck fire engine
firefighter fireman, firefighter
firehouse fire station
fireplug fire hydrant
first floor ground floor
first grade first form
first grader   first-former
first quarter (moon phase) half moon
fiscal year business year, financial year
fish dealer fishmonger
fish stick fish finger
fitness club sports centre
flashlight torch
flat [colloq.] (flat tire) puncture, flat tyre
flatware   (compare AmE hollowware) cutlery or silverware
flextime flexitime
Fleet Admiral (U.S. Navy) Admiral of the Fleet (Royal Navy)
floor lamp standard lamp
floorwalker (person in large store who directs
                    customers and supervises sales staff)
flophouse [slang] (extremely cheap rooming house) dosshouse [slang]  
fly (extra canvas sheet over tent to keep out rain) flysheet
fly (front opening in pair of pants, jeans, etc.) flies, fly
FM radio (cf. AM radio) VHF, FM
fold-out couch sofa bed
food stamps government vouchers made available to poor people to exchange for food
food to go takeaway food
football American football
football player footballer (in soccer)
for sale (available to buy) on sale, for sale
forward slash     / oblique stroke     /
foyer (area between front door & downstairs rooms) hall
fraternity university society for male students
freeway motorway
freight train goods train
freight truck goods lorry
French doors French windows
French fries, fries chips
freshman, frosh [colloq.] first-year US high school or college student;
fresher [colloq.] (at UK college or university)
front desk reception
front desk clerk receptionist
front walk garden path
front yard front garden
frosh [colloq.] (freshman) first-year student, first-year undergraduate
fruit and vegetable store greengrocer('s), greengrocery
fruit dealer fruiterer
fuel truck tanker, petrol tanker
funeral home, funeral parlor funeral parlour
furniture mover(s) furniture remover(s), removal(s) firm [both formal]; movers [informal]