EFL teacher David Appleyard
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Index of Americanisms
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AmericanAmerican term or expression BritishBritish equivalent, or explanation
daddy longlegs [colloq.] harvestman (arachnid a.k.a. 'harvest spider')
dame [slang] (female)   bird [slang]
datebook diary, appointment book
davenport large upholstered sofa that can often serve as bed
daylight saving time summer time, BST (British summer time)  
deck of cards pack of cards
deductible (insurance term) excess
deductions (from paycheck) stoppages
defogger, defroster (on car windshield/rear window) demister
depot railway station
demon alcohol, the  [humorous] demon drink, the
dental assistant dental nurse
dentist's office dental surgery
Department of the Navy, the (U.S. Navy) Admiralty, the (Royal Navy)
dependency (annex) annexe
dependent clause  [grammar] subordinate clause
derby bowler, bowler hat
dessert pudding, sweet, afters [colloq.], dessert
dessert cart dessert trolley
detour (rerouting of traffic to avoid some obstacle) diversion
dial tone (telephone) dialling tone
diaper nappy
dick [colloq.] detective
die (n.) (plural 'dice' or 'dies') dice (singular and plural)
different than (informal variant of 'different from') different to, different from
diner roadside eatery with layout similar to a dining car
ding (v.) [colloq.] rebuke or criticize someone;
scratch or dent a surface
dingbat [colloq.]   nutter [colloq.] (crazy or eccentric person)
dining car (on train) restaurant car
dinky [colloq.] small and without charm
directory assistance (telephone) directory enquiries
dirt (on the ground) loose soil; solid waste such as dog's droppings
dish (n.) [colloq.] gossip
dish {v.) [colloq.] disclose private information about someone else
dish, dish off (v.) pass basketball or ice-hockey puck to teammate
dish detergent, dish soap washing-up liquid
dish towel tea towel
dishwasher (human) washer-up
divided highway dual carriageway
do a number on someone [colloq.] harm, hurt or embarrass someone
do not enter (traffic sign) no entry
do the dishes wash up, do the washing up
doctor's office surgery, doctor's surgery
dog's doo-doo [colloq.] dog's shit [slang], dog poo, a dog turd
doghouse kennel
dogie motherless calf
donut doughnut
doo-doo [colloq.] (excrement) poo [colloq.], shit [slang], faeces, a turd
doofus [colloq.] twit [collq.], fool
dorm [colloq.], dormitory (on college campus) hall of residence
double or nothing quits
double-pane windows double-glazed windows, double glazing
downscale downmarket
downspout drainpipe
downtown (see also uptown) city centre
draft, the (compulsory military service) conscription
draftee (person legally obliged to do military service) conscript
drainboard (dish-drying surface by kitchen sink) draining board
drape, drapery curtain
dress shoes smart casual or formal style shoes
dresser (chest of drawers with mirror on top) dressing table
drip feed [med.]   drip (as in 'he was put on a drip')
driver's license driving licence
driver's test driving test
driveway (private road leading to a private property) drive, driveway;
garage drive
drop cloth dust sheet
druggist (licensed to sell and prepare medicines) chemist
drunk(en) driver drink-driver, drunk(en) driver
drunk(en) driving drink-driving, drunk(en) driving
drunk tank detention cell at police station for arrested drunks
dry goods store drapery, draper's (shop)
dry the dishes dry up
dude [colloq.] bloke, geezer [both colloq.]; chap, fellow
duff [slang]  (as in: 'Get off your duff!') backside, rear end [colloq.]
dumb stupid
dummy [slang] (stupid person) wally [slang]
dump (n. & v.)  (garbage or trash) tip (n. & v.)  (rubbish)
dump on someone criticize someone severely
dump truck dumper, tipper lorry, tipper truck
Dumpster™ (big metal container for waste disposal) container, skip
dupe (gullible, easily deceived person) mug [slang]
duplex apartment (apartment on two stories
                              with its own entrance)
duplex house, two-family house semi-detached house
dust cloth duster
duty roster (work-sharing schedule) rota
dweeb [slang]  (socially awkward person) nerd